Sunday 9 June 2013

I really like your work in twitter

Dear robert pattinson
My name is ____ I'm from France and I'm a very big fan of yours. I really like your work in twitter 
I was very impressed with you in all those films. 
You're an amazing and very beautiful  actor and I can't wait to see you in your next project 
Could you, please send me an autographed photo and if possible inscribe to ____
Thanks for reading me
my adress: _____ ____
___ __________ ___ __ __ ____ ____
Kinds regards

Monday 3 June 2013

Concentrate on your career...

Concentrate en tu carrera profesional, pero no dejes de vivir la vida pues es la unica realidad. Besos
Escribeme, saludos ____ 

Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Personal

<<Translated into English>>

Concentrate on your career, but do not stop living life as it is the only reality. Kisses
Write to me, greetings ____

Sent from my BlackBerry Personnel